From my Haumea's Kitchen and others

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Basque Cake from Illy Cafe at CIA
Culinary Institute of  America
I was reading a tweet from a Chef pal Zen Chef, and he referred to a Basque Cake,
low and behold as I was working at Flavor Napa Valley this weekend I saw this
at the CIA Bakery.
I prayed they would have at least one at the end of the day.
So as my daughter and worked the book signing for Andrea Robinson and
Scott Conant I could see the display case and my
daughter as sweet enough to go get the last one.
It was fantastic.  I ate half of it as I didn't want to push the glucose levels up.
Especially now that I have everthing in check .
I might have to venture and make this cake.  Not too sweet and just enough delicacy.